Monday, May 21, 2012

Salsa Doesn’t Have Milk... Does It?

Weird question, I know.  But, it was a question that we had to ask when we visited our favorite Tex-Mex spot, Casa Ole.  We were surprised to learn that their awesome green salsa does, INDEED, contain milk products.  Specifically, it’s made with sour cream.  We were SHOCKED.  So, now the boys only eat their red salsa.

Well, in the name of trying everything at least once, we made our own red salsa at home this weekend.  I know, it didn’t require milk in the first place, but, it had to be done.  This no-milk adventure has sort of encouraged us to find ways to make our own foods even when they don’t require milk.  That way, we know exactly what is going into our bodies.  But I’ll step onto my soapbox after I give you the recipe.

Sweet, Red & Wild Salsa
5 medium tomatoes
1 whole jalapeño
3 cloves garlic
1 bundle sweet mexican onions
1 1/2 limes
1 Tbps sugar
handful of cilantro (to taste)
salt and pepper (to taste)

You’ll Need:
cutting board
sharp paring knife
food processor

This is really hard.  Are you ready?  Are you sitting down?  Is he big, is he hefty, is he coming back?  
Put all your items in the food processor, after getting rid of stems, peel, etc.  (You can keep the skin from the tomato).  Blend until smooth.


YAAY!  All done!

Short post today, but what exactly are you going to say about salsa?  How long can one post be when you’re talking about that few ingredients and all of them are fresh from the “farm?”  Exactly.

Soapbox Time
I find it funny to watch all these experts in child nutrition, development, psychology and other “serious” professions debate why our children are having so many nutritional, development, psychological and other health maladies, while seemingly ignoring the fact that in the past 25 years (since we were kids) we have moved from being a society that was supposed to be putting down junk foods, to actually making the “healthy” foods that we are all “SUPPOSED” to be eating unhealthy by doing things like genetic modification, or forcing the addition of so many “food-grade” ingredients to stabilize their shelf life.  Come on, people, if we really look at what the problems are, don’t you think we should start with what we put in our mouths?  If a normal, everyday cow was eating 900 pounds of genetically modified, drug laced foods, don’t you think that the cow’s offspring one, two or even three generations down the road would be paying the price?

My hat off to our wonderful pediatrician and any like her who wants to see us buck this trend.  Dr. Miller, we love you.  She’s constantly pushing for more healthful eating, not only by picking “healthier” foods, but by removing the crap that’s in the “good” foods we should be eating anyway.

If you’re an expert today (and I respect you all, even if I don’t agree with you all the time), it seems like many in your profession are George of the Jungle... watch out for that tree.  It’s headed right for your face.

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