Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mimi tries a recipe... and fails. And then has gumdrop buttons?

I am the grandmother.  I am... the Mimi.

I am not the great exploring cook that my son (it's really my wife, Chrissy, that's cooking Mom--BUT I'M HELPING!.  -Michael) has turned out to be.  I’m also not the great writer he is.  But I still would like to share what we have learned, or not learned in this case.  I had my grandsons for dinner last night and decided to try to make one of the recipes from the Daiya website, Creamy Macaroni and Cheese.

I went by Kroger’s on my way home and got the needed ingredients, along with a baked chicken and some frozen broccoli for dinner.  I prepared the elbow noodles and added the said ingredients directly to the noodles while they were steaming hot.  Probably my first mistake.  Michael said I needed to make the sauce separately for the Daiya to get to the correct consistency.  Adding it to the noodles and stirring worked, and it tasted good after adding some salt and pepper.  But as my husband put it… "I think you could use this as cement filler and it would work just fine."  It was thick, not smooth, and had an off taste that was... not pleasant.  Don’t know that the taste could have changed much.  The grandboys wouldn’t eat it.  Gabriel would dip his broccoli in it and eat the broccoli, but not the noodles by themselves.  Benton wouldn’t eat it at all after the first nibble… and he is usually the one that will at least try a couple of bites.  Not happening!  Epic fail.  Michael and Chrissy are going to try to do something else with it.

Mimi's Moo-rating: ½ of 1, of 5

Gingerbread, made from scratch: a hit.  Gabriel had three pieces, Benton, two!  This is a family recipe that goes back to the 1970’s.  A friend of Allen's (Michael's Dad) sister gave out the recipe with the gingerbread at Christmas one year.  That recipe is the best gingerbread I have ever tasted and best of all….NO MILK REQUIRED! 

RECIPE: FAMILY SECRET.  I promise I'll pry it from her before she gets cold, dead hands. -Michael

Mimi's Moo-rating: 5 of 5

Mimi's FInal Thought
Chicken $5.97…Broccoli $1.89…Daiya Recipe Mac 'n' Cheese $8.97….Gingerbread $2.30….time with my grandboys; priceless!

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