Okay, so we just found out that our two boys are allergic to milk. Not in the life-threatening, my children won’t live if they touch the stuff way, but in the, “my-children-aren’t-going-to-make-it-because-they-turn-into-fire-breathing-monsters-when-they-have-milk-products-and-I-don’t-know-that-I-can-let-them-live-unless-I-drink-heavily” kind of way. I never knew that milk could give make children hyperactive before a co-worker of mine said, “hey, my son had this problem, and I care enough about you to intervene and let you know about this.”
In reality I know that it’s only by the grace of God that people were placed in our path that knew what they were doing more than I do, but it’s good to know that we’re in good company.
What I’m shocked at is the number of people whose children (or they themselves) are afflicted with a milk allergy, and yet, you don’t hear much about it in the news and many doctors (so I’ve read) are loathe to admit that there is even an issue.
This blog’s intent isn’t to be multinational, or to have a Julie & Julia moment (though if that happens, I AIN’T COMPLAININ’), but it is going to be an outlet for my family’s thoughts, concerns and recipes. We love to cook in our house, so we’ll be excited to share recipes we find or adapt right here on this site.
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